Saturday, January 22, 2011


With little expectations of the unknown island of Dominica, we were all surprised and amazed with its beauty.  An island at the most southern end of the Caribbean, it gained independence from the British in 1968. 
We arrived on a Sunday morning and found every store and restaurant closed for the day.  About 80% of people are religious, which explains the island’s day of rest and continual church services.  With little to do in town, I headed with a group of over 20 students for a hike to Middleham falls.  We all hopped on a bus and a young Dominican tour guide named Leon shared his love for his beautiful island home.  Dominica is a natural wonder of this world, a place so unique, something I have never experienced before.  The island is known for its lush rainforest, vast mountains, cascading waterfalls, volcanoes, boiling lake, black sand beaches, gorges, natural hot springs, and champagne reef in which bubbles from the earths floor surface.  This island does not cater to tourists with fancy resorts; it is the ideal place for an adventurer.  The main lure for tourist is hiking and that is exactly what we did.  A large group of us hiked an hour into the rainforest to Middleham falls.  Our guide and friend Leon hiked with us, barefoot might I add.  The end point was a huge, roaring waterfall and we immediately jumped in the fresh pool of water.  We climbed up to a small cave, which was the perfect jumping spot.  It was unreal.  On the hike back I stayed back with Leon to help a friend who had a minor panic attack.  I was able to talk with Leon and further learn about his life and Dominican culture.   A woman on the island apparently lived to age 128 along with many other people who live long.  Reasoning behind this is the simple and natural life of Dominica; they grow bananas, plantains, grapefruit, pineapple, oranges, sorrel, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, cocoa, and many other spices.   Not only do they eat well, but also live healthy and happily.  Leon used the term “Irie” in regards to his work.  The day he took us on the hike he was not getting paid with the company, he was freelancing and I said, “That’s good to know”.  He replied with “No, its all Irie” meaning he does it out of good.  We all enjoyed his company, especially on the bus ride back we he free styled and showed off his musical skills.  The following day, I did a trip through SAS and hiked in the rain to Emerald pool and Trafalgar falls.  These are two incredible destinations in the middle of the rainforest.  Afterwards, I tasted the local beer and food, shopped around town, and enjoyed the sunset that had a double rainbow that reached from the mountains into the ocean.  What a beautiful place!

From the Sea! I have so much to say!

This past week has been unreal; I do not know where to begin.   About a week ago, I left my home with few of my belongings that will last me for the next four months.  Since then, I have traveled to two different countries and had a great start to an incredible semester.  In the Bahamas, I spent two days on the beach meeting Semester at Sea students every second.  I ate fried Konch at the local fish fry, drank Bohemian rum called “fire in da hole”, played beach volleyball, and enjoyed the beautiful Caribbean water.  I had a beautiful moment writing in my journal, sitting on a ledge that looked over the crystal clear water.  I had a red hibiscus flower behind my ear and was soaking up the sun.  I wrote, “Life is good.  I am so excited for the journey that is ahead of me.   My future journal entries are going to be pretty awesome, not jus the content itself, but the places and situations in which I will sit down and write.  Anyways, back to enjoying my last day in the Bahamas.  It’s a great start to a great trip, looking forward to exploring the beautiful wonders of the world!”
I don’t even know how to describe my first couple days on the ship, so much has happened and I have been so busy that I have not had time to write!  
Excitement has filled every moment since I left California.  I keep questioning, “Is this real?  Ship life is pretty awesome; I do have to say I was least looking forward to it.  It’s basically a floating college campus with incredible professors, life long learners, approachable staff, and the most interesting students from around the world.  I have met amazing, like-minded people, the friendliest group of people you could imagine.  I have found great friends from Bucknell and CU Boulder.  My roommate is pretty awesome, her name is Kim and she goes to U of A. We have a lot of fun in our very tiny room.  Good thing I did not bring a lot of clothes or much of anything, this room is SMALL.  I eat every meal outside and most of my classes have a view of the ocean.  The ship rocks like crazy, many people have been sea sick…in my very first class a girl threw up.  We have all developed sea legs; it’s extremely hard to walk around without bumping into things or people.  It’s actually really funny.  We just crossed the equator and my poor skin has taken its first sunburn.  I am super stoked for all of my classes; they are incredibly integrated into our travels. 

My class schedule looks like this,
A day: World Religions, South Asia Music, Global Ethics
B day: Global Studies, Altruism and Social Justice
My professor for Altruism and Social Justice is an incredibly passionate teacher.  He has done amazing work around the world, especially in Nepal. He and his wife co-founded “Empower Nepali Girls”, an organization of students and faculty involved in preventing sex slavery among low caste girls.  I think the website is check it out if you get the chance.  Anyways, one thing I have figured out these past couple of days is that this is going to be a life changing experience for me.  I know that after seeing the world and interacting with it through an educational experience is not only going to broaden my horizons but motivate me to make a difference.
From the sea,

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bon Voyage

What better way to start on an adventure than with a party? Yesterday, my family hosted a going away, Bon Voyage party with family and friends.  It was a great time and I think I'm finally ready to go.

Good thing, because today is the day I leave!  I know as I embark on my journey, I will come back home and things will be different.  I will be changed somehow in someway and I don't have the wisdom yet to tell you how.  I predict that a change in perspective will be the most distinct alteration; an internal knowledge of something greater.  I will probably have a stronger desire and clearer vision to change the world.  I might come back to my home, enter my room, and question why I have so much stuff?...actually, I'm doing that right now.  I will probably encounter many heartbreaks of hardship, underprivileged childern, hunger, poverty, but most of all come away with some stories that must be shared.  

One thing is certain, all the love and amazing people in my life will never fade.  Yesterday, I had the great experience of witnessing a party full of friends and family who support me.  It was such a joy to see everyone one and feel everyone's excitement for me.  I feel so lucky to have this abundance of love and will continue to spread it around the world!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Where I'm going

One Weeks Notice

In one week, I will board the MV explorer for my adventure around the world.  My semester at sea will finally begin!  I have been preparing for months and dreaming about it for years.  I have been running around buying clothes, bug repellent, toiletries for 4 months, school supplies, books, every medication I might need, electronics, currency exchange, and handy traveling stuff.  Its been exhausting but more so exciting.  I am more than every ready for the world.
   So, here's a not so formal introduction to my blog (I meant to do this earlier).  Anyways, this blog for me to share my adventures, travels, and experiences with my all my family and friends.  I feel so lucky to take part in something so incredible that I would feel selfish not sharing it.  So follow me along in my travels as I circumnavigate the globe.  Hopefully, I can give you a small insight to the world through my eyes.  I will try my best to post often! Given my personality, this will be a challenge as I love to live in the moment.  With this said, feel free to comment and ask questions; it will inspire me to write more :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011!

I am welcoming the year 2011 with much excitement.  I am pretty sure this is going to be the best year of my life, yah, yah, I don't really know... but listen to the lineup.  On January 9th, I depart from SFO to Nassau, Bahamas.  I stay there for two nights and then board the MV Explorer, which will be my home for the next 104 days.  I will embark on the journey of a lifetime!  I feel so fortunate to be able to study abroad with the world as my classroom.  I visit 13 different ports around the world-Dominica, Brazil, Ghana, Cape Town, Mauritius, India, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Japan, Hawaii, San Diego. Crazy right!  After my little trip around the world I plan on visiting with family and friends for about a month until the Lair.  Hopefully, I will follow my previous summer as hiking director and live in the woods with the most amazing people until August.  After a long break from Cal, I will be fresh and ready? to dive back into the madness of Berzerkeley.  Fall season will not be missed with football games, Tri team, Pi Phi invites, and my 21st Birthday!  It will be my senior year at Cal and I am really looking forward to studying public health with a whole new perspective.  Anyways, here is my plan, but one thing I've learned is that life is pretty crazy; so who knows what might really entail in 2011, but I'm pretty excited!